Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dash to Destruction

Many churches in the U.S. are running to apostasy, there is no longer a slow slide, but a full on run. Churches have abandoned a love for God and His word, for preachers and prophets who promise wealth and financial gain. They have abandoned sound teaching for feel good promises of "I'm OK, your OK". They appear to be Christians until you pull back the curtain and see what they are promoting is not Christ but self. Once powerful ministries destroyed because of self. Some say we are in revival because of the immense mega-churches and the proliferation of so called christian television. But if it is anything, it is a revival of evil. These churches preach the gospel of me. They promote men, money and compromise and do not glorify God.

John 14:6 says, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Him. But these corrupt men and women say that there is more than one way. They say just add Jesus to whatever you are currently doing and you will be ok. The Bible says differently, it says to come out from among them and not to touch the unclean thing. The bible does not leave room for compromise. But these apostates don't care for the truth. Their desire is for fame, money and comfort in this life.

Let me be clear about this: if you are putting your trust in anything or anyone other than Jesus Christ you will NOT get to heaven. There is only one way, and that way is Jesus.

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